Coronavirus – What we are doing to stay open

Feb 06th, 2025

We wanted to let you know that for everyone’s safety, we will not be having customers walking through the store. We want to make sure that everyone has what they need for their pets during this challenging time. Therefore please just call ahead, place your order and it will be available for pick-up. Alternatively, you can use the order clomiphene online usa form (see the button on the website) or write your orders down on the clipboard provided at the front of the store and we will gather your items.

If you are elderly or otherwise compromised and are having trouble getting what you need for your cats or dogs, please click on the Order button at the top of our web page or email

Please include your phone # so we can contact you about your order.

Depending on where you live, we will try our best to get the food directly to you.

Stay smart and stay safe


Janice & Lori

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